Monday, March 9, 2009


Valley Photo Center
Second floor of Tower Square
1500 Main St Springfield, MA 01115

Meeting sponsored by the
New England Large Format Photography Collective (NELFPC)
Sunday March 29th
1:00 pm:
Kenneth Hanson (this blogger) will be giving a talk on the making of his book Himalayan Portfolios; Journeys of the Imagination. He will discuss both the development of the project and the mechanics of the process (as outlined in his January 5 blog).

3:00 pm:
Paul Turnbull, Executive Director of the Hallmark Museum of Contemporary Photography in Turners Falls, MA will present a talk on how to successfully prepare and present work to galleries and museums.

Downtown Springfield, MA, is very quiet on a Sunday afternoon and there should be no problem parking in the street near the Tower Square building.

Kehler Liddell Gallery
873 Whalley Avenue - New Haven, CT 203-389-9555

Meeting of the Photo Arts Collective of New Haven
Thursday April 2
7:00 pm:
This blogger will jump right back up again and, having learned by experience, will give an improved version of the Springfield talk listed above. Those who attended the first talk will have had time to think up really difficult questions. They will be able to expose the confusion in his thinking. It should be an interesting evening. All welcome. No camera necessary, just curiosity.

There is a parking lot behind the gallery. Entry just beyond the gallery.

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